Thursday, 28 March 2013

Build your stockpile (with a downloadable list!)

Following on from my last post, a few people asked for a bit more information about how I use my folder. One of the things my household folder helps me with is my stockpile. A stockpile is simply an accumulated stock of household goods or materials.

This is part of my current cleaning stockpile.

When I first started reading about stockpiling I thought it was a brilliant idea. And then I had my "duh" moment when I realised that my mom (and a whole lot of Zimbabweans for that matter...) had been doing it for years. (Another story for another day.) I honestly don't why it took me so long to do. Stockpiling can save you money, save you from doing multiple shopping trips, help you to bless someone in need and just come in handy should an emergency happen. I guess the only down side of having a stockpile is that it does take up space, which is something we don't have a lot of in the UK. 

You can start as small or as big as you like. It really is quite flexible as there are no hard and fast rules. I've included a basic Stockpile list that you can download here in PDF format or here in Word format. Let me know if you do use it! 

When I started building my stockpile I looked out for deals. Tesco runs these promotions from time to time where you can pick up a whole lot of bleach for example. If you can't buy your stockpile in one go, then put aside say £20 a month that you can use each time you see something you want to add to your pile. That way it's not as taxing on the pocket. 

Another way to do it is to shop at a wholesaler like Makro or Costco. In the UK you need to pay for membership at Costco and you need to be self employed to shop at Makro. Google wholesalers and you will find a there are a fair few online who are quite happy to delivery directly to your door. 

If you decide to buy big consider splitting it up with friends. It could work out to be cheaper for all of you whilst getting you the best price possible.

I hope that helps you a bit. Let me know if you do decide to start stockpiling. Those extra pounds saved could help buy something you really want!



  1. Lol I am a stock piler too especially with toiletries and cleaning products. I love having a full cupboard of things and always never 'run' out.I wait for the Tesco and Sainsburys offers too.

    I only every buy toiletries and make up when Boots are doing 3 for 2 with Bonus points. Not only does it save money but you can get some good points deals. So far I have £25 worth of Advantage points from just Jan - March purchases alone! We know the products we use and don't variate from them, so whenever they are on offer I always buy in bulk.

    I have joined Costco but struggle to see the value. I don't know if it really works out cheaper. I always only end up going once a year when there is a party or an event. I also like to use my credit card to pay for all my purchases as we pay in full every month and get lots of value from points (M&S card - free clothes!), so I don't like the fact that you can't use a credit card there.

  2. Great idea... In Canada I wish we were like the US and do the coupon clipping thing!I would have a binder and buy everything in BULK!
