Tuesday, 26 March 2013

My Household Binder

I like order. I love chaos. It's the creative side of me. I know if I was living on my own then the chaos would rule but alas I have a little one to mentor and a husband who likes orderly things. And for other reasons, it's just the right thing to be more orderly. So at the end of 2012 I sat down and set about my goals for this year. I'll speak more about it in a future post but one of the things I decided to do was be more organised in my home. To help me with this I got myself a Household Binder. 

Here she is. Ain't she pretty?

Now in case you've never heard of a household binder, it is simply a tool that holds important information that will help you run your own home more effectively. And like any tool is is only as useful as you use it. I bought my current pages (electronic format then printed them at home for myself) from Etsy. A shop called iheartorganizing. The lady who owns it is American and has a fabulous blog. In fact if you would like to know more about household binders the American ladies have been doing this for ages it seems. Just google household binders and you will find a wealth of information. 

My binder was customised. This is my front page. I just love the colours!

My binder has 29 customised pages which include:-

* Monthly Finance Checklist
* Monthly Budget Worksheets

* Travel Checklist
* Babysitter Notes
* Pet Sitter Notes
* Contacts

* Shopping List
* Meal Planning Calendar
* Freezer Inventory
* Fridge Inventory
* Pantry Inventory

* Important Dates Chart
* Gift Giving Budget Tracker
* Party Planning Checklist

* Media Inventory 
* Library System Tracker

* Blog To Do Checklist
* Password Log

* Home Maintenance Checklist
* Home To Do Checklist
* Cleaning Checklist
* Automotive Maintenance Log
* Important Home Information Worksheets

This is my own stockpile list. It didn't come with the one I bought.

I got this cheat sheet from one of the numerous free printables online. Fabulous reference to have.

* 12 Month Calendar
* Daily Goals 
* Week at a Glance Calendar
* Task Checklist
* Family Outings Idea List

I need to hurry up and start filling in my April dates cause it's a busy month!

Great place to store this information rather than digging through piles of paperwork.

Very helpful, especially for Christmas.

It is extremely helpful and it's really made a difference in managing my time more effectively. However as I've grown to know what works me and what doesn't I think I might be designed my own even more customised household binder soon. But until that point this one will do just perfectly. 

Is this something you would use? How do you keep your home organised?



  1. Love this...my household binder is custom designed because I found some of the template ones restrictive.

    I do love an organised home and being able to find things at a glance but you're right, it is only as good as what you input and how often you use it.

    It definitely helps though!

    1. Girl show us yours!!! I love seeing how others do theirs. I am eventually going to customise mine. I love it but somethings are just useless/too american for me to use. But one step at a time!

  2. Just beautiful! Give me hope or makes me despair depending lol! X
